Harvest Market
Join us for the Harvest Market, final market of the outdoor season! We've got a few exciting things planned to make sure we go out in style. In addition to a theme-y photo booth and well dressed vendors, we're bringing you for the first time ever.... A PIE EATING CONTEST Do you like pie? Then email today to enter yourself in the pie eating contest! Guidelines: - Pies will be provided by HSFM. - Eaters must be gluten, dairy, and sugar tolerant. - Eaters will be asked to make a minimum donation of $5, to be paid on the day-of. - Eaters must register by emailing katie.h@hsca.ca no later than Monday, October 5th. Spots are limited! - Eaters must be present at market no later than 4:15pm on October 7th, to be ready for the event at 5pm. Late eaters risk losing their spot. - Hands will remain behind eaters’ backs. Putting hands to the mouth or pie is grounds for disqualification. - The first eater to eat their entire pie will be awarded a ribbon, photographed and featured in the November issue of the highly esteemed Hillhurst Sunnyside Voice. - Water and napkins will be provided by HSFM. - Spectators will be given the opportunity to purchase a ticket to guess which eater will win. 50% of the money collected will be given to one of those who guess correctly, and 50% will go toward beautifying the garden beds in the market lot next spring with native wildflowers and grasses. A KIDS HARVEST FAIR In lieu of the Harvest Fair we've hosted on this day the past several years, which we regretfully had to cancel this year for various reasons, we're bringing you, in partnership with the HSCA Out of School Care Program, a kids sized version. All community kids under the age of 16 are encouraged to participate! Catergories: - Weirdest Looking Fruit or Vegetable - Tastiest Fruit or Vegetable - Longest Carrot - Biggest Fruit or Vegetable - Most beautiful flower - Tallest flower - Tastiest Baking containing fruit or vegetable - Best Garden Drawing or Painting - Best Garden Craft or Sculpture (themed or constructed from garden materials) All entries must be brought to HSCA and submitted either on Tuesday October 6th between 9-4pm, or on October 7th between 2-3pm. Fruit, vegetable, and flower entries must come from home gardens. Winning entrants will be awarded a ribbon and featured in the November issue of The Hillhurst Sunnyside Voice! Questions? Contact Katie at 403-283-0554 ext. 247 or at katie.h@hsca.ca